Rod Martin Family Support

On August 11, 2022, Rod Martin flew Dwayne Weaver and Wesley Martin out to Fresh Start Training Center
in Washington, Indiana. On the return flight home, they encountered a strong thunderstorm
which caused the plane to crash in Metz, West Virginia, with no survivors.
Family and friends will deeply miss them, but they have all left an example of living a faithful life for Jesus Christ.

Rodney, Dwayne, Wesley Obituaries

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation for the support of the Rod Martin family, you can click the donate button below to donate online, or you can send a check made payable to Blue Ball Mennonite Church
and mail it to Blue Ball Mennonite Church, 180 Diller Avenue, New Holland, PA 17557.

Last Photo Prior to Take Off

Dwayne texted this photo to his mother prior to
taking off from the Indiana airport.  

Rod Martin Family

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Thursday Night July 2, 2020 Livestream
by Rod Martin and Jeff Swanson Families

—The songs were about Heaven—